Effective participation in meetings.

Michael Reyes Castillo
2 min readAug 14, 2020


Meetings are one of the most useful tools we have in the current time. Also, meetings do have multiple reasons such as discussing the status of a project, keeping in contact with the other members of the team or just to share information that can be relevant to others.

We need to always go prepared to a meeting. Going prepared makes us more interested in the topic of discussion, gives us a bit of knowledge and questions to contribute in the session. In case the meeting has an agenda, its important to review it to at least be aware of what we will be participating in.

Being willing to speak is really important when attending a meeting. People will not know what we think unless we tell them. Be willing to make questions, to share your knowledge or to provide your own opinion.

Use any other tools to facilitate the meeting and to make ourselves clear easily. We have at our hand things like screen sharing, videos, presentations, etc.

Why should I have a more effective participation in meetings? Being a more effective participant might make a difference in the meeting, the solution and the results. Makes us gets noticed for our engagement, ideas and presence.

It is easy to complain about unproductive meetings, lost time and unfinished projects. Review how you can participate in a meeting and add value. Work towards building a collaborative team, where each member looks out for the other. Walk into every meeting with the aim of making it better!



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