How to stand out!

Michael Reyes Castillo
2 min readSep 14, 2020


Standing out in my case is a really interesting topic. I consider myself a really introverted person and generally speaking, I prefer to not stand out that much in certain situations because attention can be sometimes hard to handle. Over the past five to six months that I’ve been working here at Pernix, I have grown and developed a lot more confidence and have learned to stand out to others without acquiring all the attention from everyone.

In my case, I’m always trying to provide assistance and help others in any tasks I can, from familiar things for me to completely new stuff and this is the way I look at both situations. Helping on tasks I know help me practicing and perfecting the concepts I do already know and since I am pretty familiar with what I am working, I can finish my tasks relatively quick, on the other hand, taking new challenges makes me learn and gather knowledge from something I haven’t worked in the past which also helps me expand my knowledge about certain frameworks or structures while providing assistance and receiving feedback from colleagues which also makes me grow as a professional.

Another way to make myself stand out is to communicate in any possible way, this can be on one-on-one meetings or in conversations with my leaders, about the ideas I have in mind, how I have been improving the past couple of days and how do I plan to continue improving. Software development is really tight together to continuous improvement and I really like stay focused on always trying to be learning something new or perfecting skills I already have. I always try to look for what's next for me to stay motivated and maintain the focus on my main goals.

I don’t find it hard at all to work on a project by myself, I can even say that I find it interesting and challenging. In this case, what I’ve been working on improving is asking for feedback and help from my teammates. Working alone is kind of misleading as we of course do our tasks the best ways we can, but there are times when we can do them better. Asking for feedback and assistance makes us just as I mentioned before, continue expanding our knowledge but also make other people notice the effort and the commitment we have with the work and also getting better as a professional.

Standing out the right way in work I believe is easier than we think, we just need to wait for the right moments and situations and of course, being persistent. Always focus on being proactive, let others know when results went the way you were expecting, and never stop believing in yourself.



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