Lack of motivation

Michael Reyes Castillo
2 min readJul 1, 2020


For me, lack of motivation is like a kind of sickness that we can suffer from time to time. From no apparent reason at all, we can start with its symptoms and eventually, get completely covered by it. I’ve been fighting lack of motivation for a bit now, I can tell it’s pretty rough dealing with it day to day. Sometimes, something that you love doesn’t attract you that much anymore, sometimes you feel like a goal you were trying to reach its not that worthy, or simply you feel like doing nothing, not even getting up from the bed.

As I try to get better every day, I have researched some causes and developed some ways I can help myself when the lack of motivation comes. Let me share them with you:

Think Big!

Establish goals that are high enough for you. Seek that wild success, don’t limit your scope since this limits our motivation. When putting on our mind exciting and desirable goals, we avoid limiting our potential success, and with this, limiting what we are willing to do to achieve our goal.

The 10X Rule: You must set targets that are 10 times what you think you want and then do 10 times what you think t will take to accomplish those targets.

Better to fall short on massive targets than merely achieving tiny ones!

Avoid procrastination!

Avoiding procrastination is key when fighting lack of motivation, not knowing what we need to do next depletes our motivation.

What has worked for me all this time, is taking a bigger task or goal, and divide it into small pieces. This gives me a feeling of accomplishment but still requiring some additional steps to be completed for my final task to be finished. This helps me getting me focused on tiny little things I need to complete, rather than getting completely overwhelmed by the full goal.

Seek for habits!

If a certain daily task does make you lose motivation, make it a habit! We sometimes try to be motivated all the time when certainly this is almost impossible, instead, we can try to be proactive and install multiple habits into our life in the areas we care the most.

Lack of motivation clouds us from enjoying a lot of situations, next time we feel like we are completely down, focus on the rewards we get by accomplishing that goal we struggle with since we almost every time forget that’s what matters in the end.



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