Pernix’s Mission

Michael Reyes Castillo
2 min readMay 29, 2020

“A mission statement is a short definition of why an organization exists, what its overall goal is, identifying the goal of its operations: what kind of product or service it provides, its primary customers or market, and its geographical region of operation.”

The previous statement defines clearly what the mission of a company is. Just by reading the mission of an organization, we can tell their motivation, their goals, and what they would like their legacy to be. A mission is mainly divided into three essential components, these being their target audience, the product or service that is offered, and what makes the organization stand out above others. To finalize, the main purpose of a mission is to make clear what a company looks to achieve as an organization.

“Grow professionals that foster the economic and social prosperity of the region by crafting quality software solutions.”

The previous quote is directly from Pernix’s mission, which is our main goal and what we look to achieve. As mentioned previously, we can observe the three essential components of the mission directly from reading it, these being:

· Target audience: Our target and main audience is not only our own country, also involves regions that can be affected (in a positive way) by the products and services that we provide by enhancing previous tasks or improving the quality of the offered services by implementing our solutions.

· Product or service offered: Our services are not only software solutions; we also focus on growing and preparing professionals, from being just a software developer to transform into a software engineer with the capacity of providing the best solutions to our customers and market.

· What makes the organization stand out: Our main characteristic and what defines us is the quality software that we create and grant to or customers to tackle their obstacles in an easier manner.

Our mission here in Pernix is not only a goal that we trace for us to follow along, it’s also what motivates us to give our best day to day, to continue seeking growth and feedback to be better, not only professionals but also human beings.

